1. This person is evil, beyond evil, Dr. Jekyll or Ms. Hyde. This woman needs to be in prison along with a hole lot of people in BC Government and the Federal Government. Anyone who still pushes this bio weapon need to be held accountable.

  2. They aren’t going to be held accountable because everyone is culpable. None of the opposition in BC including the Conservatives spoke up when it mattered. Falcon’s Liberals were Bonnie Henry’s number one cheerleaders. Most people had no problem with the government smearing the unvax’d and using their special “passports” for being good little citizens because they were and mostly still are totally brainwashed. Most people in BC think the trucker convoy were a bunch of wannabe terrorist lowlifes.

  3. Thinking of any BC provincial politician that cares about the people of BC, and stands up for right vs. wrong.
    Can’t think of a single one.
    Can you think of any?

    Thinking of any media personality in BC that cares about the health and wellbeing of the people of BC.
    Can’t think of a single one.
    Can you think of any?