1. Oh my God. A rant from a blonde haired person. Man, there’s a million jokes about that.
    In addition, she rants on about Maxime Bernier being the only politician anyone might want to believe and trust. How ridiculous can a person get.
    Isn’t he now living in a new multi-million dollar house purchased by his wife in a Country other than Canada?
    However, she does say, “screw all politicians.” Could that comment be what is commonly known as a Freudian slip”?

    • Hot, smart, blonde woman offends you.
      Wonder why?
      Hot, smart, blonde women won’t give you the time of day?

      You sound vaccinated and boosted.
      Who talked you into getting them Justin, Pierre, or Jagmeet?

  2. She’s 100% correct. Poilievre is as fake as a three dollar bill. Wasn’t his wife involved in making some $$$ on PPP or test kits during the scamdemic? The Conservative Party of Canada was just as big a cheerleader for Tam as the BC Lieberals were for Bon Bon. They are all globalists that buy into what the WEF is selling. The problem is Bernier has the right policies but he has the charisma of a tree stump and the media won’t give him the time of day. Harper was a major believer in the WEF and enacted many of their policies. What did he do about the CBC other than whine? I guarantee you Poilievre will come up with some excuse to not kill off the CBC and IF he actually does go ahead with it Rogers and Bell will be licking their chops. Krusty Clark is a globalist who trotted off back East to be a “consultant”. In exchange we got back Falcon who recently graduated from globalist training in Toronto. Judge politicians 100% BY WHAT THEY DO and don’t get distracted by propaganda. The ONLY national politician that did the right thing in 2020 was Maxime Bernier. He got arrested for standing his ground. For all the loudmouths criticizing him what the heck did you do in 2020? I bet exactly what you were told.

  3. For all of you complaining about the corrupt media in Canada you can thank the Conservative Party of Canada and Harper. THEY were the ones that allowed Rogers, Corus and Bell to swallow up all the smaller broadcasters and consolidate the media’s power. Trudeau finished the job by allowing the Shaw family to sell out to Rogers leaving Corus on the edge of bankruptcy. Once Corus is gone all of the media in Canada will be controlled by Rogers and Bell.

  4. Look at what just happened in the UK! They booted out globalist Sunak and replaced him with an even more authoritarian globalist in Starmer. Now the same sheeple are regretting their votes and wished they had of voted Reform. Too late suckers. People are now getting thrown into PRISON in the UK for complaining about excess immigration on social media. They emptied out UK jails of actual criminals to make way for all the people they are going to lock up for having the wrong opinions. Don’t think that can happen here? It already has. It’s not “cool” to support Bernier and we all want to be with the cool kids just like high school so now we are all on board with Poilievre. They play us like Perlman played the violin.