by Eldric Vero

August 28, 2024

This is an Extra Special Edition CotD which was inspired by the recent Action4Canada Empower Hour podcast entitled “Part 3: Jasper Fires, A Forensic Investigation with Tanya Gaw and special guest Robert Brame”.

Robert Brame is a professional arborist in California, and has spent his whole life backpacking in the beautiful California hills and mountains.  He has 49 years of experience as an arborist and knows every tree, plant, rhizome, in California.  Robert began to notice strange widespread anomalies in the wild fire aftermaths.

From the description within Rumble: Are you suspicious of the July 22, 2024 Jasper National Park fire? Then watch this Empower Hour which features special guest Robert Brame, a Forensic Arborist who will bring into question the origins of the fire that ignited quickly and raged out of control, destroying one-third of the buildings (homes and businesses) in the town-site which is a national treasure and popular tourist attraction. There are legitimate concerns that Directed Energy Technology is being used and when combined with 5G and geoengineering technology, is causing extreme ignitions and creating a perfect storm. The mainstream media promulgates news reports that are crafted to make out that Climate Change is the culprit, but Robert provides very compelling evidence that something else, very sinister, is afoot.


“No one is more hated than he who speaks the truth”  Plato

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