WATCH ALONG to my reaction as we see how CANOLA OIL 🤮 and OLIVE OIL 🥰 is made! WARNING: DISGUSTING CANOLA OIL ⚠️

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  1. Awesome video, people need to wake up, do not listen to the so called health experts…..they want you sick to keep you coming…..always follow the money

  2. Very good video, indeed. I got off this garbage 12 years ago when I started to have serious (and painful) digestion issues I could not account for. After looking up online for articles on this, I came upon one that spoke of high-polyunsaturate oils and inflammation. If I thought that maybe my entire tract was being inflamed and that was why I was having the pain, so I got away from the polyunsaturates and went strictly to saturated fats like coconut oil and butter. Within a month, all the problems had stopped. It was as though my insides were no longer on fire and I could sit down without having to worry about bolting up to run to the bathroom.

    These high-polyunsaturate oils are dangerous and should not be consumed. Your body does not know what to do with the oils beyond the bare minimum it needs. Okay, ‘yes’ you do need omega-6 fatty acids in your diet, but you are already getting these trace amounts in your existing monounsaturated and saturated fats; you don’t need 1/2 cup of this stuff in your diet every day. Because your body treats this as something it cannot handle, it ends up going into your fat deposits where it can spend years wreaking havoc on your health. Your body will always prefer to eat up your saturated fats, first. Your body LOVES saturated fats; it’s like candy to it. After it goes through the candy, it’ll start to deal with the next line of fats; the monounsaturates. It’s a bit picky about burning through these, but the body will take care of them, so they are okay to have, so long as you don’t get too carried away with them. The polyunsaturates are a different issue. It’s like brussel sprouts to the body and they are in no hurry to burn these off, which is why the fat from a bag of chips can carry the consequence of sticking around in your body for months or even years… Bleached, hexane’ed, detergent’ed and generally made without a regard for what it will do your body…

    It’s bad enough they sell this garbage by the BPA bottle, but on top of it, nearly every processed food also uses it in some way, shape or form. If you are serious about wanting to keep this stuff out of your life, you need to make life-altering decisions, such as:
    – NEVER eating out at a restaurant. They only worry about bottom lines, not food quality, so they will always use whatever is cheapest, which happens to be this toxic garbage.
    – ALWAYS making your own foods, including breads, cakes, sauces, etc. The best way to control your diet is to know what you are including. I have been making my own bread for 11 years now and I can say my first three months of making it sucked, but once I got past the mistakes and problems (I started with no help, no maker, no special tools, nothing), it started getting so good to the point where I could never go back to store bread, even if I wanted to. It’s more work on your part, but looking after your health (through what you eat) should be more important than relying on some food maker that only cares about the $$$. If you cannot make it yourself, maybe you can rely on someone who does care.
    – Skip the salted snacks and processed stuff. Nearly every potato chip, corn snack and other salted snacks use these oils, sometimes changing it around (depending on what is cheapest, that week). If you are having trouble doing this, to be blunt, you are addicted to garbage and you need to get off it, NOW. I was able to get off this easily because this stuff caused me pain. I know others will have more difficulty due to the MSGs and other addictive compounds they include to encourage people to buy this. Processed peanut butter must be avoided. Not only does it contain these bad fats, they are also hydrogenated, so you have to deal with bleaches, solvents, hexane, etc. in the fats AND cadmium through the added process, which is a toxic heavy metal that messes with your brain. Stick with all-natural peanut butter.

    This does not mean you still can’t have yummy stuff like burgers, onion rings, pizza, birthday cake, etc. Just learn to make them yourself and use good ingredients!

    The following are oils and you should stay away from:
    – Canola oil
    – Corn oil
    – Soybean oil. In fact, soybean anything you should stay away from; this stuff screws up your hormonal balance, regardless if you are a guy or a girl, and can lead to weight problems.
    – Vegetable Oil. This one is (mostly) Soybean/Canola/Corn and mislabeled in some attempt to disguise it as some sort of health oil, which it is not.
    – Peanut oil
    – Grapeseed oil
    – Sunflower oil. This is often interpreted as healthy because it’s not a GMO product, but it is still subject to the same treatment as the other unholy oils and should be avoided.
    – Safflower oil
    – Sesame seed oil
    – Any high-saturate or high-mono oil that states it has been modified (If you see coconut oil in a liquid state in the grocery store, don’t get it)
    – Lard. Ordinarily I would suggest it’s okay because it’s an animal fat, but pork and chicken cannot convert fat to saturated fat like beef can, so lard will contain a generous amount of polyunsaturates.

    Oils that are ‘okay’ to have, but you should not cook with them (similar oxidation issue the polys have) and keep in limited quantities:
    – Avocado oil
    – Olive oil

    Oils that get my seal of approval:
    – Beef Tallow
    – Butter (My fav.)
    – Coconut oil
    – Palm oil

    One thing the guy did not mention in his video: Canola is artificial. It’s a GMO product derived from rapeseed. So, not only is the plant artificial, but so is the process. Is this really something you should be eating?