Never mentioned by media that in a nation with an “aging population and workforce,” Trudeau backs birth-rate eroding LGBT, abortion and Euthanasia to the hilt.

by Brad Salzberg

September 5, 2024

October 5th, 2015– “The Liberal plan for a strong middle class will invest to build Canada again. As part of our platform, we will provide direct support to low- and middle-income students.”

“Liberals will create jobs by making the most significant infrastructure investment in Canadian history. We will offer more support to those working hard to join the middle class by giving families more money to help with the high cost of raising their kids, and investing in social infrastructure, including affordable housing and child care.”

November. 29, 2017— “Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau offered an apology in the House of Commons to members of the country’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and two-spirit community (LGBTQ2).

“Trudeau’s broad apology for state-sponsored, systemic oppression and rejection” included acknowledgement  of  abusing the power of the law, and making criminals of citizens.”

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