“What Carney ultimately wants is a technocratic dictatorship justified by climate alarmism,” states journalist Peter Foster.

by Brad Salzberg

September 11, 2024

According to a National Post article dated June 5th, 2021, Liberal government advisor Marc Carney “feels himself to be a man of destiny.”

“When I worked at the Bank of England, I would remind myself each morning of Marcus Aurelius’ phrase ‘arise to do the work of humankind.'”

What this portends fits neatly into the political philosophy of current Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. For him, the proper nomenclature may be “people-kind,” but the sentiment is remarkably similar.

For nine years running, Mr. Trudeau has worked on behalf of post-modern principles. Steeped in ideological “wokism,” these types place humankind far above our “Canadian-kind.” First comes climate change and related output claiming an imminent climate apocalypse lies in the not-so-distant future.

Utilizing this structure to implement authoritarian-style control of Canadian society, freedom and democracy hang in the societal balance.

“What Carney ultimately wants is a technocratic dictatorship justified by climate alarmism,” states journalist Peter Foster.

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  1. The Trudeau Regime has to call an election by Oct 2025. It could come sooner.
    Poilievre isn’t really very different.
    Hopefully Maxime Bernier’s PPC will gain some seats, which will lead to the PPC taking over when the public realizes they are the only party that actually thinks like Canadians think.