Anglophone-Canadians have far more to worry about than English language rights. For nine years running, these communities have been under attack– by their own government.

by Brad Salzberg

September 17, 2024

It’s a phenomenon as rare as hen’s teeth. PM Justin Trudeau’s volume of public commentary pertaining to Canada’s Anglophone communities could fit on the head of a pin.

CAP can only recall one other reference of this nature. The first incident occurred in July, 2021. At that point, it had taken six-years for any form of recognition of Old Stock Canadians to cross the woke lips of our prime minister:

Caucasians are encouraged to discuss discrimination and its impacts, break down systemic barriers and embrace diversity, social cohesion, inclusion, social justice, equity-deserving groups, intersectionality, reconciliation, Indigenous rights, missing and murdered Indigenous women and members of the two-spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer communities, racialized peoples, religious minorities and human rights.”

In other words, the branding of white Canadians as racist, homophobic bigots. Bad, bad whitey– go to your corner, your dunce cap awaits. Three years on, and we witness Trudeau’s sophomore commentary:

“Trudeau Accuses Legault Of Attacking English Canadians To Protect French”

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