Media refuse to expose the relationship between immigration policy and rising political power being accumulated by Canada’s “special interest” communities.

by Brad Salzberg

September 23, 2024

For those concerned with a morphing of Canadian society toward “post-modern” status, a particular phenomenon remains worthy of public exposure.

It goes like this: when “special interest” communities experience incidents of so-called racism, media scream it to the high-heavens. Conversely, in cases of socio-political accomplishment, we hear nothing but a cacophony of silence.

Take, for example, the Liberal government-3rd World political powerhouse in the Greater Toronto Area. This geographic area can accurately be described as “Third World” central. In this regard, the key to the Liberal Party domination in ridings such as Brampton, Ontario remain poorly understood among Canadian society.

Within these ridings, demographics and political power go hand-in-hand. Brampton is a white-minority riding. Of its five members of Parliament, four are Sikh-Canadian and the other Muslim-Canadian.

Those interested in the “changing face” of Canadian society should be aware of these circumstances. Due to media sublimation, most of us don’t have a clue regarding the extent of ethnocentricity employed by election strategists.

Who more than government understand Canadian demography as shaped through immigration intake? Applied for decades, the formula runs like this: analyze a riding’s ethnic identity; match MP candidates with the dominant ethnicity.

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