“Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has reaffirmed his commitment to the United Nations’ 2030 agenda and pledged $5 billion in Canadian taxpayer dollars in attempts to achieve it.”

by Brad Salzberg

September 24, 2024

Those of us born and raised in the Western world may recall the story of Robin Hood and his infamy for “taking money from the rich and giving it to the poor.”

Focusing on the prime minister of Canada at the United Nations Assembly conference this week, concerned citizens want to revise the phrase to brand Justin Trudeau a “robbing hood.”

Who knew that the role of a prime minister is to run around the world throwing multi-billions of Canadian dollars at causes he most cares about?  That these causes are devoid of benefit to citizens of Canada should be understood by all. Due to media obfuscation, it has never been presented in plain language.

Take for example, Trudeau’s tax-payer funded trip for the purposes of promoting himself to the world:

“Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has reaffirmed his commitment to the United Nations’ 2030 agenda and pledged $5 billion in Canadian taxpayer dollars in attempts to achieve it.” 

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