BC Election —No Talk of Debt and Deficit—Irresponsible!

That’s why they are small people.

Citing Government’s own figures from The Public Accounts for 2023-4  and the Budget Document for 2024-5 the following can be gleaned :

BC Debt has ballooned from :

$76,161 Billion in 2020


$107,462 Billion in 2024

30% increase in debt in 4 years . Has your debt gone up 30%?

The annual shortfall in revenue over expenses is the deficit which each year adds to the debt.

We are living on borrowed money now each year because we can’t pay our bills —-there is a gap—more expenses than revenue.

2023-24——deficit —$5,914 Billion

2024-25——deficit—$7,911 Billion

2025-26——deficit—$7,773 Billion

2026-27——deficit—$6,288 Billion

So all this new money the leaders are promising is not there !!

It will have to be borrowed which will add to our deficits and debt.

That’s why I call them small people and irresponsible.

by The Honourable A. Brian Peckford


October 1, 2024