Why Does Canada Expect Different Results When It Continues To  Chose The Same ‘Actors ‘? 

by The Honourable A. Brian Peckford


October 6, 2024

Looking across the nation nothing has really changed.

The Political Parties remain the same —they are challenging for Power like they always did. Promising the moon and telling lies and controlled by lobbyists and consultants.

Our system is broken and the same kind of people and in some cases the same people who created  the mess we are in are about to be elected to continue the destruction.

I have in this blog enumerated the many failures of our system over the past five years accentuated by the covid fiasco.

The three pillars of a democracy have been crushed .

The Parliament is just a shadow of its former self —with MP’s clearly admitting they are mere social workers in the political realm and their influence is next to nothing as they bow and kneel to the caucus chair and the dear leader.  I mean don’t you want to be a Minister or Parliamentary Secretary ?

The SNC Lavalin scandal showed to even ordinary non political Canadians just how broken  the system is. Parliamentary committees closed down when the PM says so. MP’s chances of getting a Private Members Bill before the House is almost impossible .

I wrote an MP two weeks ago. My correspondence is in the queue , an electronic machine told me . A few years ago an answer from a Federal Minister , many months  after my letter was sent, was by an unsigned division of the Department .

Then the executive—the Cabinet , once a place of debate, now just a rubber stamp for the PM’s office and the Privy Council ‘s instructions. Once there were even powerful regional Ministers who had influence.

Premiers have abrogated their role and suck at the federal health trough mistakenly thinking throwing more money at the problem will solve it. We are spending more per capita than most other countries , yet they score better on health outcomes.

Parliamentary Government has become a Republic type of Government with the Prime Minister and the Premiers acting like a President amassing the power and dispensing it as they see fit.

The Judiciary —a broken institution allowing its chief justice to disparage the truckers convoy ( as did the PM) and is still the Chief Justice. He presides over a flawed entity that has no respect for the Constitution and is striving to make it in its own image, ignoring The Supremacy of God and The Rule  of Law provision in the opening words of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms. This has become RULE BY LAW. A once respected Institution is now held in low regard by a large section of the population.

It is embarrassing to watch Andrew Sheer , former disgraced Conservative Leader, evading answering questions on a TV Program like his did in an earlier Government , sneering all the while , as he revels in his new born stature.

Look at our productivity . We are nowhere to be seen in the top ten countries like we were in a former time.

We excel in mediocrity.

Our health system is a joke in the OECD and we trail near the bottom on all the important metrics. Check the Commonwealth Fund , Fraser Institute . Millions do not have a family doctor. In the have Province of British Columbia it is close to 20% of the population .

None of our Universities can crack the top 20 in the world on any of the lists of the many organizations who track such things. And Universities world wide have rejected science and human rights.

We score so low on the ease of doing business ( World Bank) that over 100 countries surpass us. The World bank has ceased doing this study. Too embarrassing for too many members , I suspect.

Conflict of Interest by MP’s is a joke in that our PM has broken the Conflict Of Interest law  five times and still is the PM. In BC The Conflict of Interest for MLA’s leaves many powers of enforcement to a bureaucrat and in Ottawa the enforement amounts to a few hundred dollars.

I have publicly suggested that the two things we must do first if ever there is a chance to reverse our tragic decline is financial transparency with the political parties and any MP or MLA that violates the conflict of interest laws should not be able to serve in that Parliament.

This is greeted with silent contempt. As has my more detailed Magna Carta .

I not only criticize I provide realistic solutions.

The Three main political parties have created this dismal circumstance .

And yet Canadians are going to elect one of them to serve again in Ottawa and very soon in British Columbia .

It is embarrassing living in BC to watch the leaders in the present provincial election out bid one another involving billions of the taxpayers dollars ——with hardly a hint at the words deficit or debt both in which the Province is awash.

Why won’t Canadians realize HOPING FOR DIFFERENT RESULTS from  those that created  the mess and selfishly made their comfortable pews and destroyed our democracy, our values , our desire to excel —-is Impossible..

Like the Canadian  Broadcasting Corporation it is a culture —-it must be eliminated or it will devour independent journalism , and in the political realm permanently destroy our democracy.



  1. Thank you for this, my whole life I believed that our Canadian Governments were nothing more than legal mafia. The state of our government and country litterly prove it. With an election here in BC, do I trust the election process, hell no, will they try and steal it, probably, What ever happened to companies had to give you a day off to vote, with pay. The many ways to vote, yep another way to steal. Will everyone wake up to the geo engineering of our weather thus you have climate change, to the Covid Bio weapon, and oh check out the patents the USA has on geo engineering and the bio weapon.