FUBAR in the Middle East

Why isn’t this story front page news?

by Bruce O’Hara

October 7, 2024

Five decades ago, I was writing dinky little computer programs on punch cards at the University of Toronto. Back then, you only had to misplace a comma and the IBM360 would immediately spit back your punch cards like you’d deeply insulted it. For this reason, our programs always had to include a FUBAR subroutine that would tell us at what point the program had glitched. The polite expansion of FUBAR was ‘Fouled Up Beyond All Recognition.’

What’s currently happening in the Middle East has put me in mind of FUBAR.

Bibi Netenyahu has wanted a war with Iran since practically forever. Or, more accurately, he has long wanted AMERICA to go to war with Iran.

A week ago, he got as close as he’s ever been to that goal.

Bibi had been working tirelessly to try to provoke Iran to attack Israel. First, assassinating a top Hamas leader in Tehran at the inauguration of the New Iranian president. Then, when that didn’t work, assassinating Hezbollah leader Nassrallah, along with several hundred Lebanese civilians who lived in the four apartment blocks above where Nasrallah was hiding. That pissed off Iran so thoroughly they felt compelled to respond.

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