“Extremism Is The New Normal In Justin Trudeau’s Post-National Canada.”

by Brad Salzberg

October 8, 2024

An article featured in the National Post this week illuminates the condition of Canadian society under a political regime known as the Liberal Government of Canada:

‘Joe Adam George: Extremism Is The New Normal In The Streets Of Trudeau’s Post-National Canada’

October 7th, 2024: “We need to have some difficult conversations about our race-to-the-bottom immigration policies.”

If mainstream media were not under-the-thumb of government, a drill-down might occur. In this regard, we turn to the current assault on the colonial founding of our nation. If media laid it on the line, they would state that Canada is under attack from myriad sources, inclusive of a growing anti-colonial movement dedicated to an “unsettling” of Canadian society.

Never do they entertain a fundamental of the assault: immigration policy, and the political orientation of Canada’s “new arrival” communities.

“Many newcomer protesters, particularly those from Lebanon, Syria and Iran, migrated to Canada because their home countries were devastated by the same terrorist groups they now venerate.”

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