Parents outraged after ‘sex-ed’ program leader uses pedo-friendly language in school presentation

Parents expressed outraged after Kerri Isham, founder of a school sex-ed group, referred to pedophiles as ‘minor attracted persons’ during a Grade 9 presentation, a term aimed at downplaying the perversity of pedophilia.

by Jonathon Van Maren


October 24, 2024

(LifeSiteNews) — According to the website of Power Up Sexual Health Education, the organization is dedicated to giving kids a healthy view of sexual health. “At Power Up, we believe Sexual Health Education is NOT optional AND is best delivered starting from 2 years old,” the website states. “Why teach early? We believe educating early is the key to eliminating sexual abuse. Educating early does not strip your child of their innocence – but sexual abuse will.” 

The founder and operator of Power Up is Kerri Isham, and she is under fire for her decision, during a presentation to Grade 9 students at the Quamichan School in Duncan, British Columbia, to refer to pedophiles as “MAPs” – that is, “Minor Attracted Persons.” This is a phrase preferred by pedophiles, who believe that “MAP” is a destigmatizing term that assists in legitimizing their “identity” and promotes social acceptance of their sexual attractions. 

Why would Isham use their preferred term, even while admitting that “MAPs” seek to “harm children?” It is, at minimum, a strange rhetorical decision – especially considering the fact that she warned students during her talk that “MAPs are everywhere” on the internet, including sites frequented by young people such as Minecraft and TikTok. 

At one point during her presentation, Isham warned students that they were “not encouraged to interact with people who identify in this way.”  

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