by Brian Peckford, former premier of Labrador/Newfounland
January 5, 2025
Like so many other commentators of our political scene acknowledgement of the serious reform that is needed is avoided at all cost and with it any chance of improvement.
Parliament is broken. When the Prime Minister can break the law five times and still serve as Prime Minister you know we have a problem . When a former federal Minister is prevented from speaking at a Parliamentary Committee you know how broken the system really is. We all know that the MP ‘s are mere social workers serving their Party Whip . In my interviews with MP’s during the covid disaster the lack of knowledge of our Constitution was abysmal.
Why is it so difficulty to amend the Conflict of Interest Law that an MP found guilty of violating that law is ineligible to serve in the Parliament ?
Integrity must be reestablished .
Executive is too powerful . Our first Ministers act like Presidents. The PM Office needs to reduced by at least one third of its present size. The PM ‘s Office , Cabinet and Parliament need to re- establish their traditional roles —sharing power.
The Judiciary has exceeded its power. It has abdicated God as an integral part of interpreting our Constitution ignoring the opening words of the Charter . It has made new law not just interpreting existing law. The covid disaster showed and shows this body to be completely beyond its powers. Natural law is replaced by secular law. Parliament needs to reassert its authority concerning the judiciary, be involved in the appointment of judges and insist on God being considered in all interpretations involved the Charter .
No one wants to tackle real reform. Rather , play word games, print money, create new programs and pretend we are just wonderful .
Given interviews like this recent Peterson/ Poilievre one , it is likely we will continue in our mediocrity and undemocratic ways .