Hello Mr. Poilievre
It has been awhile since I emailed you.  You keep sending stuff to my cell phone and guess what.  That good ole 5G is useless in the area I live in on Vancouver Island.  So please stop sending stuff to the cell phone cause it does not work at my location.  What is the point of paying these high rates when it does not work half the time.  I am so fed up with the BS communications that is nothing but a rip off.  I had asked to have no 5G and to be hard wired and a land line hooked up to a land line.
What did I get 5g and land line hooked to the internet.  When you shove stuff down our throats it is a fact that it is not good for us or otherwise why shove it down our throats.  Not only that I am coming close to cancelling the cell phone and also internet?  Why you may ask, because the bills keep going up which is stealing as far as I am concerned.
When are you going to look into the studies done on 5G and the harms they do.  Lets look also at these smart meters causing fires and surges.  Where I am living the surges are happening I see it in the lights…Then it keeps blowing out the fuses…Then it has also fired 2 stoves now on the third.
And the biggest one is When are you going to speak up about the Covid Bio Weapons that are murdering people, injuring and maiming????  Have you even looked at the National Inquiry?  Guess not.
Are you not saying anything because you are worried about getting the votes?  Will you personally respond to me like at Christmas that year where you shared you family photo and wished me a Merry Christmas.  I was begging you to run for the Conservatives, I joined to vote for you as I thought you were real.
Most of my life I have never voted as I have believed that the Government was nothing but a legal mafia.  With the way things have been going the past few years, I would say my intuition has been dead on.  Are the elections real, rigged or stolen, I would say that the BC election was definitely stolen.  The CCP is big here in BC and have been for years.  I find it funny that before early voting they were neck and neck.  Yet as soon as early voting started with the tabulation machines, all of a sudden they are neck and neck.  I early voted and guess what, they did not even know if my vote was even counted!!!!  There was online voting, mail in voting, and whatever way they can steal an election.  What are you going to do about this!!  What about the Liberals allow 14 year olds and non Canadians to vote.  What king of a scam is this?
Now the big one.  Why is it none of you politicians are speaking out about the harms of Covid Vaccine, the useless flu shot, and quite frankly all vaccines.  We know for a fact that this Bio weapon is killing and maiming people, where the hell do you think Long Covid came from, it is a vaccine injury not long covid.  If Covid was so deadly then why am I not dead.  My family believed I would be the first to die because I have Bronchitis, have had it for years.  Hmm…I am still here with no Covid shot, have never had Covid, do not get sick, I do not stick a useless PCR test up my nose.  So why am I not dead??? Oh and I do not wear useless masks.
Will you take us out of the WHO, UN, WEF and all these useless globalist  rich  organisations?
Until you look at removing us from these organizations I will not vote for you.
Also please stop asking me for money.  I am a senior and make 2000 a month just barely surviving.  At least I have good friends that help me.  I would love to go back to work, after 66 years paying taxes that are litterly stolen and given away to other countries, I refuse and will make do by growing my own food and being self sufficient.
I have done so much research, it was the Conservatives that signed us onto all these WHO, WEF etc. I have watched our Parliament during the Freedom Convoy and the corruption and incompetence, I had to quit watching it as the anger got so bad.  You all wonder why Canadians are fed up, you all should watch yourselves.  It is disgusting that no body ever answers a question especially the Liberals, they should all be in jail.
Here are a couple of links to help you along.
I am no conspiracy theorist, when I see a lot of stuff not adding up I know there is something not being told.  We know Conspiracy Theory means it is the truth we do not want you to know.
Last question:  How much has your financial positon risen in the last 5 years?  How much has all politicians finances risen?
Have a great day Mr. Poilievre.  May the truth come out as it always does, will it be in time or will Canada not exist.
Oh by the way I would rather be part of the USA instead of being part of China but then again China is so into Canada no wonder Trump is pissed.  Now we are stuck in the middle with China and USA.
Let the fireworks begin.
Diane Ritchie
Fed Up Senior
ED Note: Diane has promised me, if she hears back from Mr. Poilievre, she will let us know.