by Eldric Vero
March 18, 2025
The following articles are relevant to this CotD:
1) Macdonald-Laurier Institute November 28, 2024 “More oversight and accountability needed over Canada’s foreign aid: David Clinton for Inside Policy” (see link: ). As per the article: Global Affairs Canada spends most of its $7 billion annual budget on foreign aid. It’s certainly a generous gesture – but is it money well spent? Unfortunately, there’s little to no evidence of meaningful assessments of the federal department’s methodologies and results. For organizations trusted with public funds, accountability demands regular and transparent program assessments along with periodic mandate reviews. But GAC’s oversight seems to be sorely lacking. Canadians have a right to know how their money is spent. It would be helpful if the government, and Global Affairs Canada in particular, would at the very least tell us exactly how they’re going to fix these messes.
2) Western Standard News February 13, 2025 “REVEALED: Trudeau dumping $573,500,000 into offshore ‘gender-responsive’ economic development and climate initiatives” (see link: ). From the article: “Global Affairs Canada (is doling) out $223 million to the “private sector” in South America for climate change mitigation and gender-responsive, sustainable economic development,” he wrote on X. “Global Affairs Canada (also) doles out $350 million in corporate welfare to the private sector in Asia to develop low carbon and climate-resilient initiatives and advance gender equality in the region.” Other wasteful spending in Ottawa includes Global Affairs Canada spending a significant sum on a sex toy show in Germany, and funding discussions on seniors’ sex lives abroad.
Panel 1
This chart graphically presents the annual Global Affairs Canada Grants & Contributions (GACG&C) since 2011. Note Annual GACG&Cs ramped-up significantly during the last couple of years of the Harper Conservatives and essentially continued during the Trudeau LGBQNDP Regime years.

Panel 2
This chart presents the cumulative GACG&Cs to December 31, 2024.

Panel 3
This chart presents the break-down of funds received per country on a cumulative basis to December 31, 2024. Upon viewing this chart, there are some very interesting components that need to be addressed:
1) Why is the USA (the richest country in the world by net worth) the top country to receive GACG&Cs?
2) Why is Canada receiving GACG&Cs internally?
3) Why is Switzerland (the 3rd wealthiest nation by GDP per capita) in the world, receiving GACG&Cs? Switzerland is home to headquarters of the Bank of International Settlements (BIS), World Economic Forum (WEF), World Health Organization (WHO) and Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI). FYI…GAVI has received $1.85 Billion since 2011…absolutely shocking!
4) The Unknown/Undefined category has received $6.1 Billion over the years – where has this money gone?
5) Italy…conundrum…expensive wine?

Panel 4
This chart presents the percentage share of the cumulative funds to December 31, 2024. Note how the Canadian government(s) have placed a high priority and value to the “Remaining 167 Countries”…this is truly disheartening.

Introducing the CotD’s new team heading up the “Division of Government Ejection (DOGE)…from a Canadian perspective.
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Opus the Penguin and Bill the Cat (created by Berkeley Breathed)

“The last official act of any government is to loot the treasury” George Washington
“The ultimate outcome of socialism is tyranny and serfdom” The Road to Serfdom