Election Canada —April 28
It’s a strange one.
A 30 point lead for the Conservatives just a few short weeks ago turns into almost a tie at election call.
What to make of it all?
Some impressions:
A WEF globalist in the arms of the elite becomes Liberal Leader and PM. What does that say about political leadership in Canada?
Just about everyone wanted to get rid of Justin Trudeau yet the Liberals rushed to elect his advisor.
Conservative leader Poilievre seems confused . Hopefully he recovers some macho and makes a fight of it.
The Socialist leader is always confused and hopefully gets crushed.
Where are the Greens?
The only straight shooter around is Maxime Bernier of the PPC and what happens to straight shooters in Canada ? No where in the polls.
Reports circulate that Premier Smith of Alberta has asked President Trump for help to elect Conservative Poilievre. Is that a form of foreign interference?
A poll shows most Canadians want us to stop breaking agreements and pay our way in NATO —about time!
By the way have we got all those free trade barriers down WITHIN Canada yet?
The backrooms and money people are working overtime to get Premier Ford out front and centre for Poilievre.
Watch the wording of CBC news and its selection and placement of topics as they try and elect Carney.
Note Evan Solomon ‘s run for the Liberals——- remember how he tried to look neutral when hosting TV Shows.
Will Ontario and Quebec and the East continue to elect the Liberals?
Dental Plan expanded, capital gains tax gone, and carbon tax out of sight for now ———-the elasticity of political principles.
The Honourable A. Brian Peckford
Mrch 23, 2025
Awe Mr. Peckford the fix is already in. See that rigging. Same rigged Liberal race. The polls, the polls, the polls, are nothing but a farce. They are taken from Liberal riding areas of course they will get what the want. People to believe that Carney is Gods Gift. Or is that the devil person. The only way to have a real fair election is in person voting. Those tabulation machines can be easier changed and manipulated just like what they did with the BC Election. No more online or mail in. Enough BS. How much will China be involved should be the question. Who are the 50 MP’s who are involved with interference. We should know who they are and have them booted out and never to run again. I myself see all the parties as the same, the play tag team your turn. The Peoples Party is too Quebec for the west I think, the only vote left is PP as the lesser evil. You see Carney already stealing the Conservatives stuff. The scariest part is how dumbed down the Canadians really are. They have no critical thinking. Allowing Trump tariff’s to blind them in Trump had nothing to do with ruining Canada for the past 10 years. Divide and deflect. The US Tariffs only hurt US people not Canadians, the Canadian tariffs just make our products more expensive. People are not seeing the big picture. They are all trying to wreck the World Economy. Tariffs are nothing more but taxes. I mean really look at the BS within our own borders with tariffs. The only vote right now is PP. The lieberals and NDP, Greens, are useless. The Bloc should not even be a federal party. Period. Thank you Mr. Peckford for all you have done the past few years trying to wake people up. It is hard when people that are none so blind than those who refuse to see.
Carney can’t run on his record or the liberal record so he has to run on Orange man bad. It’s not a national election it’s a national deflection. Carney might win a national deflection but will never win a national election.
Maxime Bernier is taking root in the west, not just Quebec. Westerners recognize good policy when they see it. Don’t forget, Max was the only leader to fight for our freedom and bodily autonomy during Covid. Everyone else stayed in their home. A vote for Max is a vote for Canada. A vote for PP or Carnage Carney is a vote for the globalists. Freedom is worth fighting for and the PPC are fighting for it.
Forget the polls showing a dead heat, folks–this is Kim Campbell all over again. In August 1993, two months after she replaced Brian Mulroney as Prime Minister, a Gallup Poll showed her with a 51% approval rating, the highest of any PM since 1963 (yes, higher than Pierre Trudeau ever got, even at the height of Trudeaumania in 1968). Kim Campbell then went on to wage the most inept federal campaign by an incumbent government in Canadian history (managed by John Tory); in the October 25, 1993 election her Progressive Conservatives dropped from 156 seats to 2, and Kim wasn’t one of the two. Marx Carnage is showing signs of even greater ineptitude as a campaigner.
Maxime the smart choice the rest are political whores.