Life Site News

Republished: August 6, 2019

(Everyday For Life Canada) — The LGTBQ indoctrination never ends. Children in schools must be brainwashed. In the latest edition of Professionally Speaking, the June 2019 publication of the Ontario College of Teachers has another article pushing once more the inclusive classroom. It’s written by Lisa va de Geyn and titled, “Teaching LGTBQ Students: Six steps to creating an inclusive environment for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, two spirit and queer learners.” There seems to be no end to this sexual and student-confusing propaganda that is being pushed in society and taught to children.

Here are the steps listed to teaching (brainwashing) the LGTBQ students. The comments that follow are ours.

1. Practice self-reflection

In short, the teacher must not question in any way the LGBTQ ideology. The teacher is to just accept and sell the sexual alphabet agenda to the staff and students. “Self-reflection,” not really, more like self-delusion.

2. Soak up knowledge

Geyn isn’t suggesting that teachers really soak up any real or factual knowledge. Instead, what teachers need to do is immerse themselves in the propaganda and spread the belief in the classroom and the rest of the school. One must have zeal for the cult of gender.

3. Encourage inclusion lessons

Teachers are to embed LGTBQ content in their lesson plans. Students are to be sexually brainwashed and given good marks for demonstrating that they have been solidly indoctrinated. For example, on a test students could be asked to know that Facebook lets users sign up with 58 genders in America, but in the United Kingdom there are 71 choices. That the information is make-believe is something students best not know.

4. Encourage inclusion in the entire School

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