By Newt Gingrich

Published: December 13, 2019

Historians may look back and mark this week as a remarkable turning point in the Trump presidency.

While the liberal media was mesmerized by the dull Judiciary Committee meetings (so boring at least one Democrat was caught watching a golf match while seated in the committee) big things were happening.

However, they are the kind of big things which the adversarial media has a hard time covering intelligently. In fact, several of the big events of this past week will further discredit the news media and force it even more toward the defensive (more than half of Americans already don’t trust the mass media).

To start, this week we learned from reports that for 18 years American military and national security leaders had been lying about progress in Afghanistan. As these reports are expanded on and more is published the Trump position that the war was a mistake – and we have lost thousands of lives, had tens of thousands severely wounded, spent over a trillion dollars and still have no plan for victory – will seem more and more wise. The balance of the tension between the traditional military establishment and the Trump White House will shift more and more to the President’s advantage. If next year the House and Senate armed services and foreign affairs committees hold serious hearings and dig into the degree to which senior officials in both parties simply lied to the American people, the resulting reforms may dramatically reshape how the United States operates in the world.

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