
February 17, 2020

Prince Andrew stayed with a billionaire who has been accused of raping 10 teenagers at his Bahama’s mansion.

Canadian fashion magnate Peter Nygard is the second of Prince Andrew’s associates to be accused of sex crimes, following his link to billionaire paedophile Jeffrey Epstein.

The victims have filed a civil lawsuit against 77 year old Nygard.

According to the lawsuit, Nygard “recruited, lured and enticed young, impressionable and often ­impoverished children and women, with cash payments and false ­promises of lucrative modelling ­opportunities to assault, rape and sodomise them”.

The Mail Online reports: A lawsuit filed in the Southern District of New York claimed that Nygard plied his subjects with alcohol and drugs before they were violently assaulted, raped and sodomized.

The case could prove embarrassing for Prince Andrew – who once stayed at Nygard’s mansion – linking him to another high profile billionaire accused of sexual abusing young women.

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