One Man’s Opinion


March 6, 2020

If I did not know better I would think the attached story about the release and repatriation of Violent Convicted Terrorists And Murders back to Canada and many EU Nations and even the Soon to Be Free United Kingdom was just the result of the bad affects of a bad Coronavirus Dream but alas the stories are factual and take place far too often in various countries ruled by Elite PC SJW Left of Centre Liberal Governments .

Unbelievably Terrorists return to their so called Home Country on a regular basis, what is wrong with PC SJW Politicians that they can allow this to take place, what about the Innocent Law Abiding citizens of those Home countries who are under threat of attack, maiming, and might even be killed, have they NO respect for the populations of their countries ?

Why do Politicians like Canadian PM Justin, Germany’s Merkel, Sweden’s Lofven, Juncker, Tusk, and the rest of SJW Liberal Politicians seem to be oblivious to what is taking place in their countries, can’t they see that Hard Working Tax Payers who obey the Law are struggling with the changes created by Open Borders and no control over Migration and Immigration ?

Why would an Country accept the return of any Terrorists who chose to abandon their Home Country and support Terrorist Groups and their way of life ?

Because of the whole acceptance of Illegal Migrants who despise everything the Free World Nations believe in any cases now several EU Nations are beyond the “Tipping Point” and their Cultures, Rule of Law, and way of Life have changed forever and there will be no turning back, the EU for sure is changed forever and there will be no recovery, the EU is now “Doomed to Fail” . Even the once envied Economy of Germany is beginning to show cracks and contrary to Media and PC Liberal Politician Hype the Soon to Bee Free UK will attract $ Billions Euros from EU Nations as Investors and Business in the EU will begin to “Leave the Sinking Ship” much like the old Kurt Russell Movie “Escape from New York”, the good people and much of the business of the EU will do their best to “Escape the EU’ and depart for the United Kingdom of Boris Johnston, perhaps BoJo can arrange To remove Sadiq Khan as Mayor of London, that would over night make the streets of London much safer . Mayor Sadiq is a Disgrace to anyone that loves the U.K. .

This is an example of what the EU is doing and what the fools that Lead the EU expect the soon to be free United Kingdom to live by after BREXIT . How stupid does the EU think the People of the United Kingdom are ? How in the world would the EU Leadership believe that the people of the UK are as stupid as the population of the EU ?

One of the main major reasons the United Kingdom is leaving the EU is so the UK has control over Migration/Immigration and Borders, why would the UK agree to continue to Abide by this after BREXIT ?

The EU is in fact in a “Death Spiral” and the Organization may see many more changes including Departures within two years, it is over for the EU and unlike getting over a Cold there will be NO recovery .

No Nation can allow people to seek residency if that individual believes that his/her Religion takes precedence over that Countries “Rule of Law” and that is the biggest fatal mistake EU Nations have made .

Without control of Migration/Immigration, without Defined Borders and the ability to Defend those Borders one has NO Country, that is what has taken place in the EU and that is what is taking place in Canada if our Government does not act responsibly , and Media question why Donald

Trump was elected POTUS in the United States .

Let’s also keep in mind that with a NATO member like Turkey the problems and collapse of the EU may just be in the early stages .

Why is it that Migrants always choose to travel to the EU, why is it they do not choose to travel to Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Iran, UAE, or any other Oil rich Arab Nation ? Might It be because Migrants are not welcome to any of those Wealthy Nations ? I wonder why ?

At this time I must also ask this question, just why is it so many Migrants entering the EU chose to travel all the way to my Mothers Home country of Sweden ? Did they happen to hear that the “Meat Balls” are very very good there ? That alone should given anyone a clue as to what is taking place in the EU .

Former Canadian PM harper implemented Legislation that Naturalized Canadians would have their Canadian citizenship revoked and they would be automatically Deported if they were convicted of a Terrorist Act, one of the first things the incoming Federal Liberal Trudeau Government did was revoke and reverse that Legislation . WHY ? Does that make sense ?

Then that has led to this . Thank God, someone is still willing to expose this sort of activity.

Please read the attached story below and see how the Reporter Frames the “Military Commission” as “Much Maligned “, I wonder if there might be an Agenda at play here .

Why could they not just report the facts, Khadr at “Best” is a Murder and a Terrorist, how many of you who follow the “Rule of Law” of Canada have received the $ 10 Million “Pay out” (for what?) Khadr has received from the Hard Working Canadian Tax Payer?

I am in favour of Immigration, my Parents Families were both Immigrants to Canada and my 30 year old son who happens to be a Pacific Islander is in Canada because his Birth Mother was allowed to enter Canada but she arrived here Legally with proper Papers and entry .

Why is it so difficult for the Liberal Canadian Federal Government, the Prime Minister, Gerald Butts, and the other Liberal Minions from Coast to Coast to Coast to see the absolutely horrific Terrorist Crimes and other problems taking place in Nations that welcome those that actually “Hate” the Country and people that welcome them with Open arms ?

Next time there is a Terror Event that results in the Stabbing, Maiming, Killing/Murder of several dozens or more of your fellow Country “People Kind” and the PC SJW Leader of your country stands up to tell you “Do not give in, stand up, we are one, we can defeat Terrorism, go about your day as if nothing has happened” and the rest of the pathetic Platitudes in which they speak to their Flock keep in mind that PM Justin, Merkel, Obama in the past, Khan, Lofven, Tusk, Macron, Juncker, and all the rest just happen to be standing behind a whole Army of Security Detail who are armed better than most small Nations, they live in Walled Estates, their families travel to School, Work, Lunch, Dinner, Sporting Events, and the rest with a security detail in Armoured Vehicles and have absolutely no chance of getting Stabbed, Run Over, or Blown Up any Time soon . Even when they Travel, Fly, Ski, go to the Beach, or even shopping they are surrounded by that same security detail .

As Canadian Prime Minister Justin might mumble, “Yes People, you uh go on about your day, you uh will be just like uh me, you will be safe and uh just fine” .

Elite, PC, SJW, Liberal Leftist Activist Politicians ?

Hypocrites each and every one of them .




  1. If all of this lunacy was happening in a communist country we would sit back with a smug look on our face and proclaim they are getting what they deserve. SADLY communist countries are not allowing the insanity inside their boarders that we see in our western nations. The pendulum is swinging back and we will see sanity return. In Canada had Scheer been a stronger voice the Conservative party should have could have would have easily defeated the corrupt, dishonest, racist, fake feminist, supporter of terrorists , Justin Im sorry heres a cheque for 10 million dollars Trudeau.
    Look at the leadership that the left has shown in the face of terrorists taking over railways, shipping ports, government buildings, public transit, public roads, putting millions of law abiding Canadians jobs, lives at risk. Trudeau and Horgan stuck their heads in the sand. They have allowed the inmates to run the asylum.
    Both of these leaders are holding onto power by their fingertips. Both should be given a clear message in their next election bids. Canadians MUST not allow these types of leaders to destroy our country. The city of Vancouver also encourages terrorists to occupy city parks. More pcsjw stupidity. Its not rocket science we must get out and vote for right wing parties at ALL 3 levels of government We must stop the insanity. Elect strong majority conservative governments because we do indeed get the leadership we deserve .

  2. 13 – Here is something to ponder .

    Elite Leftist PC SJW Politicians quite often hold up Norway as a “Shining Light” as all that live there live in The Greatest Place on Earth with one of the Highest Standards of Living etc etc.

    Not one of them mentions the facts that Norway has Fish Farming and in fact owns much of Canadian FF Corps, Norway has Off Shore Oil and Gas Rigs/Platforms, Oil and Gas Pipelines, Export of Oil and Gas by Ships and Pipelines and those Ships every one of them navigate the Pristine Fjords and Waterways of Norway and other EU Nations without any complaints or Protests from Anarchists and others, imagine that . Norway also produces Aluminum without any Protests from any Radical Groups.

    Norway is rapidly becoming the largest supplier of LNG to the EU, Norway is also adding more LNG and Oil Ships and Pipelines every year to its existing Export System . How can that be ?

    How is it that Norway can manage all of this with out Protests ? I know why but I believe Media need to do more to provide the answer as to why virtually every Resident is supportive of everything Radical Protesters and Anarchists here in Canada stand against .

    One thing for sure Norway does not have ONE Hereditary Chief, no Indigenous People who can be led by Radical Chips, and Norway has NO Anarchists .

    Go Figure .