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South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham weighs in on the Michael Flynn case on ‘Sunday Morning Futures.’





  1. Why Lyndsey? What are you worried about? What are you hiding from? This lying, do-nothing POS has too much television time and not nearly enough “do-something time”. He should be in prison.

  2. I do not always agree with Graham but it appears that he may have been correct on this .

    I do not think it would do any president any good to hand out a whole host of pardons just a few months after an election, that just does not make sense .

    I do not think Trump will pardon Manafort as he was actually convicted of Income Tax Evasion which deserves some time but I strongly believe that if Trump can keep his mouth shut and not step on his own message he will be re elected and he will more than likely commute the Manafort Sentence .

    Now that charges have been dropped against Flynn I also see Roger Stone may get a break , Carter Paige, Papadopolous, and a few more also need to take legal action against the Federal Government to restore their reputations and secure funds to pay for everything they lost .

    Heads should roll and many from the Obama Admin need to face charges of their own .

    Trump still may not run so we will not know too much for a while yet .