764K subscribers

Report date: 06.01.2020

The people have woken up, the people are calling on their governors and mayors to open up their state. The patriots have now shown the people that business can open, the economy is coming back online. Trump is now putting pressure on China, there is now a bank run on the dollar. Trump is now showing the people that the [CB] system does not work for the people. All source links to the report can be found on the x22report.com site.

Part b…

The Patriots Laid The Trap, [DS]Took The Bait, Unity Is Growing

764K subscribers

Report date: 06.01.2020

The [DS]/MSM are now desperate they are trying to regain control anyway possible, first it was the virus, that failed, now they turned to riots and race war, but the opposite is happening, people are seeing the truth and unity is growing. The trap has been laid and the [DS] has taken the bait, this entire event will soon turn and the governors and mayors will be on the hot seat.

All source links to the report can be found on the x22report.com site.