January 23, 2021

A Canada with Justin Trudeau as prime minister is a country awash with oddities unprecedented in the history of our nation.

Over the past five years that  PM Trudeau has been in office, Cultural Action Party has published over 500 articles pointing out a plethora of bizarre political decisions made by Canada’s “post-modern” prime minister.

To recap would fill up a tome on the level of Tolstoy’s “War and Peace.” Running a close second place is Canadian media’s obfuscation of these realities. Indeed, CBC, CTV, Globe & Mail and the rest have in 2021 transitioned to a collective of Trudeau-Liberal “protectionist” organizations.

Let’s now get specific: thinking back on Justin Trudeau’s initial term as PM–2015-2019— any astute political observer would conclude that the Trudeau Team was inclusive of multiple Liberal Cabinet members, as well as various MP’s and caucus members.

Catherine McKenna, Jody Wilson-Raybould, Bill Morneau, and a half-dozen others functioned as prominent voices for the ruling Liberal government.

Upon re-election in October, 2019, all this seemed to die a sudden death. Even Trudeau’s all-around “clean up person” Chrystia Freeland has all-but disappeared from sight.

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