Author Unknown


In just two days…

Joe Biden has Canada pissed off (cancelling Keystone will cost Canada $800 million), the US is closer to war in Syria, Joe obliterates women’s sports, allows boys in girls locker rooms and now admits he doesn’t have a plan to contain the pandemic, wants to vaccinate 1 million people a day for 100 days (but the last week of trump administration they were doing 1.2 million people a day). There have been 4,300 Covid deaths since his inauguration.

Joe doesn’t return salutes from marines, doesn’t wear a mask on federal property after mandating it, put approximately 52,000 people on unemployment, uses Betsy Ross flag at inauguration after republicans were told it was racist when it was displayed at trump rally, said “no comment” when asked about the Portland violence on Inauguration Day, rejoins Paris climate accord, fires a well-qualified black man (Obama’s surgeon general], gets locked out of the White House (he fired the usher that opens the doors to the White House five hours earlier), wants to raise minimum wage to $15 hour during a pandemic (non-partisan congressional budget office says raising minimum wage to $15 will kill more than four million jobs).

Joe has been busy … busy screwing Americans.