From Abe Schwartz, retired Hollywood film editor …

Be sure to watch the Tucker Carlson link [below] for his 12 minute update on the misinformation the Democrats have been feeding America and the world with their make-believe scenarios of woke truth!

I realize there are many fellow citizens who are spoon fed news and information by the likes of MSNBC, CNN, et al, and therefore there is no other “truth” worthy of consideration. This is mind control at its best. I also realize that conservative outlets can be just as jaundiced … but at least hear all the view points and consider the findings and evidence.


From Steve Martini, retired print reporter …

Maybe we should know a little bit more about the crime that occurred on Jan. 6

Very interesting FACTS!!  All five of the people who died on January 6th were Trump supporters. Only two of the deaths were the result of violence, one unarmed woman shot by police, and a man probably trampled.  It turns out the Capitol Police Officer lying in state, died of a stroke hours after the riot ended.  He suffered no apparent traumatic injuries in the riot.  The others died of natural causes, all outside the Capitol Building.  The spin being put on the riot of Jan. 6th could be applied to every 4th of July parade in every major city in the country where people succumb to heart attacks and strokes all the time.  Or put another way, the fatalities caused by violence at the Capital on Jan. 6th are fewer than ten percent of the violent deaths occurring on every average weekend in Chicago, or on the streets of Washington DC. (Outside the Capitol area). But the political prima donnas in Congress don’t give a damn about the victims in those shootings. Little wonder they refuse to hold town hall meetings with their constituents.

The last time we saw this kind of odious propaganda it was being spouted by a new German Chancellor who was using the event – the burning of the German Reichstag Building – to consolidate his power into a dictatorship and set up death camps for Jews and political opponents.  Perhaps Eric Swalwell needs a  swastika on his sleeve, or in Eric’s case the Gold star of Communist China since he likes to canoodle so much with their female spies.

Steve Martini