
March 20, 2021

Once upon a time, ace investigative journalist Sheryl Attkisson broke massive stories for CBS News and was considered one of the best in her business at doing so.

She had good instincts, great insight, and killer sources.

Her problem was that she was uncovering unconstitutional and illegal activities that exposed the wrong political party and president: Democrat Barack Obama.

For her sins, she was eventually forced out at CBS News and has since made her own way — still investigating, still reporting, still exposing corruption, graft and illegal activities.

But because she got too close to ‘the action’ during her CBS News tenure, Obama’s deep state sought to fix her and fix her good: According to her book, “Stonewalled,” some shadowy government operative accessed her laptop in the dead of night and planted a document containing information she wasn’t supposed to have. The only reason she wasn’t busted by the feds after being set up is because she took her laptop to a trusted computer forensics expert who happened to discoverer it and remove it.

Yeah, that kind of stuff actually happens in real life, not just in suspense movies. And our government does it all the time, according to a deep state operative-turned whistleblower interviewed by Georgia-based attorney Lin Wood.

Wood has since released transcripts of his interview, and what the operative/whistleblower has to say is legitimate bombshell material.

According to screen grabs of the transcripts posted online at The Conservative Treehouse, the whistleblower described scenarios that most Americans would relate to Putin’s Russia or a third-world banana republic. The operative said that the deep state often targeted individuals to compromise — and then control — such as judges (Chief Justice John Roberts’ rulings against conservative principles and Trump policies make a lot more sense now, don’t they?).

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