by Mike Adams

March 27, 2021

People who are ignorant enough to be injected with an experimental vaccine that accelerates the generation of highly contagious super strains in their own bodies are walking biological time bombs and a threat to society.

The globalists know this, and consistent with their goals of global mass extermination, they are giving the most dangerous and most contagious people “vaccine passports” so they can freely roam across society, spreading their super strain viruses far and wide. Again, this is all by design.

The safest people are those who have strong innate immune systems and have already built antibodies against the coronavirus, without needing any medical intervention. This is easily accomplished in most people with the help of vitamin D, zinc, nutrition, restful sleep and avoidance of toxic foods and medications.

Yet the entire “science” industry refuses to recognize any role whatsoever for innate immunity, and antibodies that individuals create on their own are not recognized as serving any function whatsoever. For example, you can’t get an “antibody passport” from showing your own innate immunity, even though you have already defeated the pathogen thanks to your God-given immune system.

Modern “science” — if we dare even call it that — wants you to believe you have no immune system at all and that your body must be hijacked by mRNA vaccines in order to function. This is a gigantic, dangerous lie, and it is repeated by nearly every media outlet, medical journal and medical “authority” around the world (most of whom are working for the CCP to destroy Western nations, of course).

If lockdowns, quarantines and masks were to be required for anyone, it should be the vaccinated!

It’s the vaccinated people that are the most dangerous to society and the most likely to infect others with super strains which are already demonstrating complete immunity to existing vaccines. The vaccines, in other words, have already been rendered largely obsolete.

It’s only the innate human immune system that can handle the rapid mutations and defeat them in a few hours rather than waiting for 10+ months for the vaccine industry to roll out another “covid booster shot.”

The vaccine industry will be chasing these variants and mutant strains forever, in exactly the same way antibiotics are forever chasing superbugs in hospital settings. Yet today, the entire world is the super strain factory for the vaccine / bioweapons industry, and in truth, there’s something far more sinister at play here.

Read More HERE






  1. Hey BMCQ,
    Did you read this?
    Now what are your thoughts on forcing some people to take the vaxx?

    Let the real pandemic begin!