
March 29, 2021

Facebook recently updated its Terms of Service (TOS) to include a fresh warning against the sharing of information that the social media giant deems as a threat to the official government narrative surrounding the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19).

The Mark Zuckerberg empire will no longer allow people to share content “coordinating interference with the administration of the COVID-19 vaccine.” The platform also now prohibits content “calling to action, advocating, or promoting that others not get the COVID-19 vaccine.”

According to Facebook, such content violates its new “Coordinating Harm” policy because refusing Chinese virus vaccination, or encouraging others to refuse the jab “promotes the active and deliberate spread of communicable diseases.”

Furthermore, Facebook says its users are not allowed to even call it the “Chinese virus” or the “Wuhan flu” because this insinuates that a certain “race,” in this case China, “created the virus” or is otherwise “spreading the virus.”

Even though evidence shows that Chinese germs did, in fact, come from China, Facebook says stating these facts violates its “Hate Speech” policy.

To learn more about the Chinese virus, including the truth about its Chinese origins, be sure to check out

No further talk about 5G, influenza’s disappearance, or fudged coronavirus numbers is allowed on Facebook either

Another major no-no under Facebook’s new policy guidelines is any suggestion that the Wuhan flu is less serious than Anthony Fauci, the World Health Organization (WHO), Joe Biden, and others claim it is.

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