by Brad Salzberg

March 30,

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau often describes the Liberals as a “progressive” political party. The description connotes the idea of a focus upon equality, human rights, as well as empowerment for women, “racialized” Canadians and LGBT-oriented communities.

Naturally, progress can also result in negative social developments. The concept of “moving forward” does not by default imply a progression toward a beneficial result within society.

The shift in power structure resulting from the Covid pandemic in Canada speaks to the heart of this. Within our pandemic-infused society, a significant transition must be noted.

Who are Canada’s most powerful individuals at present? Putting aside our prime minister, is the answer found in elected Liberal Cabinet members, or among our 338 elected MP’s? Or rather, are the most powerful a collection of non-elected Federal and Provincial Health Officers?

Here we speak of figures such as Theresa Tam,Provincial Health Officer of B. C. Bonnie Henry, and others. These individuals are not elected officials– they are appointed by government.

Is it not arguable that the Covid catastrophe has elevated Dr. Bonnie Henry to a level of power surpassing that of Provincial Cabinet Members and MLA’s?

Yes, it is arguable. When is the last time you read about such a transformation within mainstream Canadian media? Could the answer be on the 12th of Never?

READ MORE: Was The Mysterious Death Of Michel Trudeau Covered-Up By Canadian Media?


What we speak of is an issue of democracy– or the lack of it. The pandemic is serving as a instrument of democratic erosion. This, of course, plays into Cultural Action Party philosophy in a big way.

CAP believe the days of democratic governance in Canada are numbered. It is the job of Justin Trudeau to facilitate this progression toward a transition from democracy to pseudo-dictatorship. The pandemic is assisting in this so-called “progression.”

Next to PM Trudeau, who is at present the most powerful figure in Canada? Is Theresa Tam a safe bet? CAP go all-in on this. Dr. Tam is a non-elected immigrant from Hong Kong. Her schooling took place in England, not Canada.

Political and social transition is most effectively accomplished in an incremental fashion. One step at a time, so as not to alarm the general public. It well appears that the roots of the pandemic are found in China. The same is true for communism. Within communist societies, media work the will of government. To say an emulation of this social structure is not the case in present-day Canada is  erroneous.

In this capacity, a marked progression toward an erosion of democracy has resulted from Canada’s Covid experience. A coincidence? Hardly. One step at a time, our country is being transitioned into the “post-modern” state PM Trudeau spoke of upon seizing control of society in October, 2015.

— Brad Salzberg, CAP Founder(est.2016)