The [DS]/MSM are going down the path that the patriots laid out for them. Lurking in the background is election fraud, Durham and other triggers. Trump is letting the people see first hand how bad it can get. The people are reaching the precipice. The power to the people will be returning, the legislatures are now implementing laws that will safeguard the elections. Flynn, says all those people running in 2024 can forget about it, think election fraud.

All source links to the report can be found on the site.







  1. Flynn took the QAnon oath. How can anyone take him seriously at this point?
    He’s obviously gullible and quite likely has lost his marbles.

  2. Can you not Google?

    Are you denying that he is one of those morons who got duped by the Q hoax? Or do you object to the word “oath”?

    He’s an open Q supporter and none of that shit has come true, just like all these crackpot claims that the election will be overturned.