April 13, 2021

When Jovan Pulitzer gained fame for testifying before state legislatures about voter fraud, he was attacked heavily by mainstream media and Democrats. They tried to discredit the man in hopes that nobody would look at his astounding work in demonstrating how voter fraud was perpetrated during the 2020 election. When that didn’t work, they tried a different approach.

In a recent interview with David K. Clements on The Professor’s Record, Pulitzer revealed something only his inner circle had previously heard. When bullying didn’t work at silencing him, they tried the good ol’ bribe… and what a bribe attempt it was.

“So you know how bad this is, and I’m going to give you a nugget that nobody outside of my inner circle knows this,” he said. “I got offered $10 million dollars to not do this.”

Rumble — I am joined by a modern day Benjamin Franklin. Jovan Hutton Pulitzer is a world renowned entrepreneur, inventor, and most importantly, a PATRIOT. Jovan holds HUNDREDS of patents on technology used by billions of people around the world. He is also the chief authority on kinematic artifact scanning. He can detect a myriad of different forms of fraud on any piece of paper. This includes ELECTION BALLOTS. Meet the most feared expert in the world that every corrupt politician is trying to stop. Our country’s future hangs in the balance. We address it all on this episode of The Professor’s Record.

You can find me at theprofessorsrecord.com and at https://t.me/theprofessorsrecord.

You can find Jovan Hutton Pulitzer at https://t.me/JovanHuttonPulitzer
and http://www.jovanhuttonpulitzer.org.