Study: Analysis of VAERS Shows the COVID Shots are Likely Cause of Deaths, Spontaneous Abortions, Cardiovascular, Neurological, and Immunological Adverse Events. By Dr. Jessica Rose, PhD, MSc. BSC




  1. What scares Satan most?

    It is the people seeing the truth and accepting it over his lies, manipulations, deceptions and distortions.

    You see folks Satan is compelled to make sure the truth is out there, including even himself placing it before our very own eyes (such as the linked website here reveals truth).

    But you ask, “Why would Satan do this if he is the great deceiver?” Because, in making sure you, me, all of us have access to the truth he is able to mock it and endeavour to have you turn from the truth to follow is lies and deception. You see Satan can’t make you take his lies, he must get you to abandon the truth. He can’t take your souls, he must have you agree to give them to him.

    His craftiness is abundant in his ability to have even bright, intelligent, maybe even God fearing people turn from the truth and their quest to find it and live by it. He has and is even in our Churches. Many of our trusted Priests, Pastors, Reverends have fallen to his deceptions and they may even lead their flock astray…. It’s is an amazing power that Satan has, to not have to steal anything from any of us but to have us either willfully or ignorantly give it all to him including how we live our mortal lives and give him our souls.

    The last 15 months built around the overblown hype and paranoia of SARS-cov-2 and all our governments and societies have fallen inline and prey too is speaking volumes to us. Evil and ignorance are playing their hands to us all in real time here and we can so easily fall prey to them both. Yes, the one and only true God has told us about this, it is written (The Holly Bible), but sadly for many decades now in mostly but not only in the western world we have shunned, turned away from, or ignorantly ignored the words, I’M GUILTY OF SUCH MYSELF!!!

    The linked website in this story here tells us that Satan is madly working to subvert our society and to pervert our minds, all to turn us away from God. I too have been blinded by such. But when one truly begins to open his or her eyes the truth begins to be glaringly obvious. Though we may fight to ignore it, to deny it, as we have allowed Satan to whisper into our ears and to lead us astray by him even showing us the truth as he craftily works to have us call the truth lies….. THINK ABOUT IT!