July 26, 2021
Canada hit a dubious mark this week; more than 50 churches have now been vandalized, desecrated or burned to the ground since the announcement in Kamloops, B.C. of unmarked graves found near a residential school.
Fifty communities have been robbed of a sacred space to pray and effectively stripped of a fundamental right we hold dear in Canada — so much so that it is the very first right enumerated in our Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
“Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law… Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms: (a) freedom of conscience and religion.”
Read More HERE
If these were a 7th. century religions’ buildings, Trudeau would be in ‘crocodile’ tears on t.v. and would have set up a multi billion dollar federal commission on it all.
Once again I make note Christians and those who at least can support Christian faith in Canada MUST begin to vote as a block. Voting for ANY leftwing parties (Liberal, NDP, Green or BLOC ) today will be voting against Canada and our great 154 year history. IS CANADA AS WE BUILT IT NOT WORTH FIGHTING FOR!?!
Every leftist driven party in Canada and the western world are acting/subverting against their nations. STOP AND SMELL THE COFFEE FOLKS!