In every country, ‘the curve of vaccination is followed by the curve of deaths,’ the famous virologist said.
July 28, 2021
Note to readers, added May 27, 2021: While LifeSiteNews has only reported what Montagnier has said, other scientists have rejected, in the strongest terms, his thesis that vaccines are causing dangerous variants. Former Pfizer vice president Dr. Michael Yeadon has said, “There is no evidence at all that vaccination is leading or will lead to ‘dangerous variants,’” and that the notion of such deadly variants is “absurdly impossible … not [even] like an opinion difference,” but “just a lie” in order to justify unnecessary “top-up” (booster) vaccines. Others have also highlighted there is “no proof” for these theories, referring to them as “nonsense,” while likewise vehemently opposing the general distribution of these experimental gene-therapy COVID-19 vaccines and warning of serious damaging consequences. Such warnings remain credible due to the trend of spikes in deaths which may be due to a number of factors including antibody dependent enhancement, vaccine-associated illnesses, or other conditions.
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The CDC is noting that double vaxxed appear to be spreading Covid 19 at a rate as high or higher than the unvaxxed. This is no surprise for the initial trials done June /July 2020 concluded that these non vaccine vaccines were not likely to prevent one from contagion of Covid 19 nor the spreading of it, but was hopeful to reduce severity of symptoms (months into jabbing the people this is also looking shaky now).
Adverse reactions including death will continue to grow in near multiples soon enough. Deaths and serious reactions of the vaxxed will likely soon not be able to be swept under the proverbial rug.
This said for BC having ended its Covid 19 Emergency mandates July 1, the vaccinations should lawfully be stopped for these injections have not been approved short of emergency use.