by Steve Martini – retired US reporter
August 2, 2021
One of the more substantial polls conducted since the November elections indicates that you can put a fork in the Biden Administration, it’s done! A brand new Economist-YouGov poll of 2000 voters indicates that Democrats are in deep trouble.
They can read the numbers and weep. Voters have figured out that Biden was elected as a result of election fraud perpetrated by the mainstream media and billionaire social media platforms that lied to them and deceived them about Biden and his agenda. Joe was no middle of the road Democrat, or friendly grandfather. He was a man filled with a lifetime of political bile and anger fueled by failure. By the time of his election Joe Biden was a mentally incompetent empty suit, and his campaign was a dangerous web of lies put together by the most radical elements of left wing politics ever assembled in this country.
Biden’s numbers are upside down on every issue. Because of the timing of the poll, taken between July 24th and 27th, these numbers don’t even include the recent Covid trainwreck engineered by the radical leftwing staff and a conflicted CDC that is caught in conflicts of interest. To make it worse Kamala Harris is viewed as incompetent and not up to prime time. In short if they get rid of Joe they have no second act.
Some analysts now believe that Biden’s people are trying to create more social chaos and division in the country in advance of 2022 midterms, in hopes of allowing them to institute last minute election sleight-of-hand similar to the games played in 2020. The problem is that they no longer have Donald Trump as a target, and voters are now on to them. Voters are no longer buying the line that state election reforms are racist Jim Crow plots to limit minority voting. Biden and the Democrats now own the issue of corrupt elections as a result of their conduct in 2020, using social media platforms to censor truthful information and blind the voters. Americans of every stripe no longer believe them or the mainstream media that is their fog horn. The only question is how much damage they can do to the US economy, national security and freedom between now and the time when voters can finally remove them from office. It is now abundantly clear that Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer would use the corrupt Washington bureaucratic swamp to transform the nation into an all out totalitarian state, and that much reform is needed if we are ever to return to a system of effective checks and balances.
America is now like the aging aunt whose wastrel heirs are trying to kill her in hopes of taking her wealth. She knows she’s been poisoned, the issue is whether she can stay alive long enough to find an antidote.