Did father Pierre Trudeau instill the idea that English Canada must be punished for our nation’s colonial history?
August 13, 2021
It began with a gleam in the eye. When viewing Justin Trudeau’s stage performance upon his first term victory in October, 2015, Cultural Action Party had the feeling of an ominous premonition.
The look on our newly-minted prime minister gave off a particular vibe: “you people have no idea what is now in store for the future of your country.”
It was out of such a subtlety that CAP began to ruminate on the future of Canada. After witnessing Trudeau’s performance over his first few months in office, we began to draw conclusions. One of which was that just about everything he does represents an inversion of the proper way to do his job.
Instead of prioritizing Canadians, Trudeau made Syrians his top concern. Rather than focus on fiscal stability, our PM dug the greatest deficit hole in history. Instead of austerity regarding foreign aid, dollar amount increases were injected into billion-dollar giveaways to Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Nigeria, Somalia, and dozens of other 3rd World nations.
Media said nothing. Not a single hole was poked into the behaviour of this anathema of a national leader. CAP knew we were on to something.
To be followed by the most odd-ball performance of all– Justin Trudeau’s branding of Canada as a racist, bigoted, xenophobic and homophobic society.
For what reason? There must be a purpose– no ruling government takes this position on a whim. What was this all about? Why is it that federal party leaders who most indulge in the habit– Justin Trudeau and NDP leader Jagmeet Singh— have risen in popularity based on promoting malevolence toward our country?
Something has got to be wrong in all of this. If an astute observer didn’t know better, they might conclude that Justin Trudeau does not like Canada. Admittedly, this is a specious conclusion. More accurate it is to state that Trudeau dislikes specific elements of Canadian society, and its history.
Colonialism is the leader of the pack. Exclusive in nature it is– our PM has a serious problem with Anglophone colonialism, but not the Francophone variety.
The feeling emanating from Mr. Trudeau’s hostility toward English Canada may be best encapsulated in the word “vengeance.” The feeling that Mr. Trudeau has a silent agenda up his sleeve has permeated the picture since day one.
“Something is happening but you don’t know what it is, do you Mr. Canuck?”
Being that neither CAP nor the average citizen can read a person’s mind, one can only speculate on Trudeau’s silent intentions.
Read More: Majority Election Win For Trudeau Would Transfer Canada To Non-Democratic Nation
Was a certain animus bred into the bones of our current PM? Did father Pierre Trudeau instill the idea that English Canada must be punished for our nation’s colonial history? It sure as heck feels this way.
If so, what is the extent of Justin Trudeau’s malevolency? How far is he willing to go to institute retribution toward society?
How about– all the way– to the point that Canada is to be permanently transformed. Beginning with an end to democratic governance. Transition from here to a covert entrenchment of pseudo-communism. Follow this along until we come to the “real thing.”
In pragmatic terms, this may be about to play out before our very eyes. Three terms in a row as prime minister. A pending election nobody wants transitioning our ruling Liberal government from minority to majority government.
A social structure in which our prime minister can do any darn thing he likes, and still win a soon-to-be-called federal election.
Does Justin Trudeau rule our nation? Or rather, is Canada in 2021 ruled by Trudeau’s animosity toward our country? The prime minister who hates the country he was appointed to lead.
It doesn’t get any more ominous than this.
— Brad Salzberg, CAP Founder (Est. 2016)
I think he really does hate Canada. I would love to see him leave and never come back
He has never liked Canada. His vision is a post national Canada. This is the vision of global Communists. Global Communism only uses the nation state to feed into global Communist endeavours. Global Communists may play the nation card if it distracts their minions from the truth of Marxist-Communism. IE; The Olympics. The USSR championed Olympic competition to first try to show Communist ideology is better on a global stage but to also placate and distract their public at home with seeing Soviet athletes win medals.
Trudeau is 21st. century Satanic worshipping Marxist. His vision is a modern blending of facsist values ( corporatism if those corporations play the right political game of footsy) with the Marxist dictatorship style power to keep and control the public.
Any Canadian voting for Trudeau and his anti-Canadian, anti-western world, anti-free market, anti-Christian Liberal Party are choosing to undermine not only their future but any children’s future.
So true