August 13, 2021
They sense now is the time to make their final move toward a lockdown technocratic surveillance state
‘Screw your freedom’ says former California governor
Digital health passports are no longer the stuff of conspiracy theories, they are here, with New York City, Los Angeles and several other major cities handing themselves over as the American testing grounds for global technocrats.
If businesses actually comply with the demand that people be separated like cattle and treated differently based on their willingness to submit to a certain medical treatment, then God help us. These digital passports will quickly spread to other cities and towns across America. Everyone will be required to “show your digital papers” before entering a place of business to buy or sell.
It’s already happening across Europe, which is always a little ahead of America in the race to eliminate freedom.
I’ve explained in previous articles the significance of digital passports, who is promoting them and what type of society the powers behind this technology wish to create.
Many of those articles left me mentally exhausted and research weary.
But if those were penned from the head, this one’s from the heart.
I decided I could not live with myself if I didn’t put out a no holds barred assessment of the diabolical nature of what is now overtaking the earth.
Truth is, a color revolution was successfully orchestrated in the United Sates in November and December of last year. This opened the door for global power elites who hate America and everything it stands for to make their final desperate move for total control over humanity. Their goal is global governance over a drastically reduced world population and after decades of working toward this end they feel now is the time to make their decisive chess move. A checkmate for all time.
Could they have overplayed their hand? I hope so.
But it’s also possible they may be too far invested to walk things back. Because the evil ones have removed their masks and boldly called for such obviously totalitarian measures, such as forced masking and forced injections of every man, woman and child, they have awakened a great number within the sleeping masses.
With an awakened global population and protests breaking out across the world, the globalists know that we know what they are up to. They cannot retreat or they will lose everything, up to and possibly including their heads. They must double down.
What they have planned is global technocracy, a system of dictatorship by “experts,” which include scientists, engineers and bureaucrats like Dr. Anthony Fauci. Picture the regimes of Hitler, Stalin and Mao augmented by the powers of artificial intelligence, computer algorithms, facial-recognition software and gene-editing programs. Now you are staring into the face of a modern-day technocracy.
Read Much More HERE