Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a bill earlier this
year that banned vaccine passports. The fines will start Sept. 16 if
people are asked to show proof of a vaccine.
A common sense approach by a Governor who has balls to stand up to the media and liberal establishment.
Proof of Covid 19 vaccine passports will do nothing to control any spread of any variants. It is simply an abuse of power measure set to keep people inline via fear mongering. Discrimination is discrimination.
Current Covid 19 stats show he USA has a still far lower cases spike from the Delta variant than it had back in Feb-Apr. Hospitalizations are still much lower than the Feb-Apr. wave. Deaths in the USA as in most/all nations with the Delta variant are a fraction of the Feb-Apr. wave of deaths.
But the bastards in government, big pharma, special interests, idiot media ENJOY FEAR MONGERING and sadly a large part of the population are too weak minded to see through this.
But way da go Governor DeSantis for defending anti discrimination laws.
It’s about time someone in government took a stand. I hope he will continue to do good for the people of Florida. Would love to have someone here in Canada so devoted and above all to be honest because most of them are so money hungry and evil and so unhappy with their life that they just need to destroy other peoples lives.
There are many foods that are lawfully sold and enjoyed by maybe billions world wide such as for example peanuts and peanut products that if some people eat may result in serious or even deathly health reactions.
We do not force people to eat foods they may choose not to eat for health, religious, cultural or just for peace of mind reasons. We do not force people to take medications they may not want to, for their own health, religious, cultural or peace of mind reasons. We do not force people to undertake any medical procedures they don’t want to, for their own health, religious, cultural or peace of mind reasons. SO WHY THE HELL DO SOME PEOPLE TRY TO FORCE ANYONE TO TAKE ANY INJECTIONS INCLUDING THESE NEW AND PROVING TO BE FOR MANY TOXIC NON VACCINE VACCINE INJECTIONS!?!
Who the Hell takes power over any persons’ own bodies?
A common sense approach by a Governor who has balls to stand up to the media and liberal establishment.
Proof of Covid 19 vaccine passports will do nothing to control any spread of any variants. It is simply an abuse of power measure set to keep people inline via fear mongering. Discrimination is discrimination.
Current Covid 19 stats show he USA has a still far lower cases spike from the Delta variant than it had back in Feb-Apr. Hospitalizations are still much lower than the Feb-Apr. wave. Deaths in the USA as in most/all nations with the Delta variant are a fraction of the Feb-Apr. wave of deaths.
But the bastards in government, big pharma, special interests, idiot media ENJOY FEAR MONGERING and sadly a large part of the population are too weak minded to see through this.
But way da go Governor DeSantis for defending anti discrimination laws.
It’s about time someone in government took a stand. I hope he will continue to do good for the people of Florida. Would love to have someone here in Canada so devoted and above all to be honest because most of them are so money hungry and evil and so unhappy with their life that they just need to destroy other peoples lives.
To add….
There are many foods that are lawfully sold and enjoyed by maybe billions world wide such as for example peanuts and peanut products that if some people eat may result in serious or even deathly health reactions.
We do not force people to eat foods they may choose not to eat for health, religious, cultural or just for peace of mind reasons. We do not force people to take medications they may not want to, for their own health, religious, cultural or peace of mind reasons. We do not force people to undertake any medical procedures they don’t want to, for their own health, religious, cultural or peace of mind reasons. SO WHY THE HELL DO SOME PEOPLE TRY TO FORCE ANYONE TO TAKE ANY INJECTIONS INCLUDING THESE NEW AND PROVING TO BE FOR MANY TOXIC NON VACCINE VACCINE INJECTIONS!?!
Who the Hell takes power over any persons’ own bodies?