The Heart of the Matter
by Roxanne O-Shee
Dec. 31St, 2021
Here we are on the Eve of a New Year. All across this so-called “land of free”, celebrations appear to have been cancelled by the newly-formed dictatorship of a now long-lapsed democracy. And upon this night, in the province of Quebec, they have dictated their orders to the whole of the province: “All are now under house arrest.” “Be good little fearful scared and obedient sheep, and let us take this to the next logical step of our taking away your rights and freedoms.”
These are egregious actions. They are, if you have not woken up to a very simple and obvious truth. These are illegal actions worthy of criminal prosecution. We, the citizens of Canada, are not criminals. The politicians’ actions have, since day one of this most horrendous scam that has been inflicted upon this world, been entirely illegal and represent crimes against humanity on a level never seen before, even in the darkest hours of Hitler’s brutal reign of terror.
I say to these illegal actions, “Cancel the politicians’ spell-casting and manipulations that seem only bent upon giving OUR money to Big Pharma for products that maim, sicken and kill people.” And put these criminals on trial. And, in case you’re not aware of it, after a goodly time of gathering dispositions and evidence across the globe, the International Criminal Court and Office of the Prosecutor has put forward its evidence for prosecuting these criminals. The document makes for a very interesting read. Are you up to the challenge of facing just how deep these machinations go? Or will you simply continue to believe that the politicians, these criminals, have your best interest at heart?
Let’s talk about “heart” now. The “heart” seems to be at the core of all of this mess. In case you missed it, there are numerous doctors now who have examined the blood of those who received the Covid MRNA injections, and before their very eyes, for all to see (for seeing is believing, is it not?), was an effect called “Rouleaux”. Rouleaux means that the blood cells have lost their proper polarity, and now are stacking one upon the other. Also observed under the microscope were lights, possibly magnetic particles (graphene oxide?), and strange parasitic creatures. These clear visible effects would, to a logical mind, offer up an explanation for why dozens of fit young athletes have suddenly died on the playing field or ended up with career-ending heart issues. I have watched many videos of people who have received this pretend “vaccine” and who’s heart simply stopped. One British nurse explained the system they (let’s call them the “perpetrators”) have set up where the mRNA shot vials are numbered. Number 1 indicates a pretend shot of saline, that of course, the elite receive. With each shot, this nurse said, Vax 1, Vax 2, and the booster, one’s immune system is progressively destroyed. Imagine knowing these unsavoury facts and continuing to administer what could be termed a “kill shot”. Now, imagine this is your child in the receiving end. To throw another confusing element into the mix, be aware that they did not give out the “kill shot” to every person receiving it. They did not want too many people dropping dead at the beginning. That would have raised the alarm bells rather rapidly. A mix of responses over time simply has created uncertainty and confusion as to what has been transpiring.
The chemical analysis of these contents are equally unsavoury. All these poisonous substances in this experimental mRNA shot killed every animal that was injected with it. This was the extent of their so-called “trials”. I would say a colossal FAIL. Now, they see fit to inject this toxic soup into human bodies, for a virus that has had roughly a 99.97% survival rate from day one. Even the representation of how the numbers of deaths due to Covid 19 have been skewed to make it appear that this virus was and is far deadlier than it really is. Hospitals have been paid money to claim that deaths due to myriads of causes were, in effect, Covid 19. Actors are coming forward to tell their story of their pretense at having the “killer Covid”. One friend in Florida sited the example of a fellow who died in a head on collision while on a motorcycle was said on his death certificate, to have died of Covid 19. And the icing on the cake is that statistically, there were no more deaths in 2020 than in 2019. A curious thing indeed.
The legal dissertation put forth by the International Criminal Court in the Hague, Netherlands, was tabled on December 21st, 2021. It lists as the victims, “THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED KINGDOM”. “Based upon the extensive claims and enclosed documentation, we charge those responsible for the numerous violations of the Nuremberg Code, crimes against humanity, war crimes and crimes of aggression in the United Kingdom, but not limited to individuals in these countries.”
A-5 article of the case being brought forward in the Hague states that “The Covid 19 vaccines do not meet the requirements to be categorized as vaccines and are in fact gene therapy (Appendix 8). The Merriam-Webster dictionary quietly changed the definition of a “vaccine” to include components of the Covid 19 mRNA injection.” In the same document, “Dr. Mike Yeadon asserts that claims calling the Covid 19 injections a vaccine is public manipulation and misrepresentation of clinical treatment. It’s not prohibiting infection. It’s not a prohibiting transmission device. It’s a means by which your body is conscripted to make the toxin that then your body then allegedly gets used to dealing with it, but unlike a vaccine, which is to trigger the immune response, this is to trigger the creation of the toxin.” So here is a partial explanation as to why people who have received this injection are getting sick with variants of Covid. The “vaxed”, are creating weird and not so wonderful variations of illness, and are the super-spreaders now being inflicted upon the world.
Another aspect of this Covid scam is the PCR tests. Article 6 of the International Criminal Court document claims that, “A review from the University of Oxford’s centre for evidence based medicine found that the standard PCR test is so sensitive, that it can detect old infections by picking up fragments of dead virus cells.” “Even its Nobel prize-winning inventor Kary Mullis declared that PCR was never intended to diagnose a disease.” Quite the absurdity. Another absurdity is the fact that these tests contain neuro-toxins that are pushed up into the nasal cavity, where they can migrate to one’s brain. And now they are demanding more and more of these bogus tests?
Of course, in Great Britain, the courts would have nothing to do with prosecuting these crimes. This document very succinctly points out in clear language for all the world to see, the length and breadth of the crimes that have been perpetrated by these CRIMINALS. What these CRIMINALS have done is attempted to increase positions of power and control over humanity through the destruction of the very fabric of all societies. That fabric includes all human rights as stated in all democratic countries. These criminals have done so to line the pockets of the Pharmaceutical companies with citizen’s tax dollars. What an irony here that the very money that “we the people” have earned and given over to governments is now being used as an instrument of society’s loss of freedom, all rights, and even life itself for far too many.
It is not as though there are not examples of dealing more reasonably with viral “menaces”. The Amish in Pennsylvania, U.S., managed to keep their society functioning fully by allowing this virus to spread through their community at the beginning. They simply did not listen to dictates from their government in their response. And their response meant that their community built the infamous and little talked-about herd immunity. And the result? They had illness but very few deaths, and are largely clear of Covid 19 now, and their community is functioning fully as they did before. They valued human interaction over any fear of illness or death, and they have managed to maintain their familial relationships intact.
Here at the home front (and yes, it is beginning to feel like a war front with metaphoric trenches separating varying societal factions), I have seen far too many obituaries of people who have simply “died suddenly”. Often, there will be no explanation as to what has transpired with these rather mysterious and sudden deaths. One does stick in my mind though. “R. passed away unexpectedly in the afternoon of October 14th, 2021. He was outside in his yard raking leaves when he was taken without warning. His death was sudden but it is believed that he left us quickly and did not suffer.” This was not a horse with a broken leg that needed to be put out of his misery. This was a man with family, many children, who just dropped dead at the age of 63. No questions asked, of course. Just another notch in the very large belt of Pharma’s profits.
So the question that I pose to every citizen of every country now is, “Do we, as a species, allow the elite few and their political puppets to dismantle our educational, monetary, political, and cultural systems in the name of public safety?” May the incoming New Year bring more measure of courage, caring and compassion for the life of our communities. We are the core of that life, not the externalized father or mother figures who demand our obedience to their dictates. May truth, and wisdom be our new heart-centred calling card.
Roxanne O-Shee
Kootenay West region,
British Columbia, Canada