by Brad Salzberg


May 5, 2022

Two contentious issues in the United States indicate a transformation in political tides is taking place. First, a leaked draft suggests the U.S. Supreme Court may vote to overturn the Roe v. Wade decision which legalized abortion throughout the country.

Secondly, legislative push-back against transgenderism, as advocated by politicians such as Florida Governor Ron De Santis. After approving legislation to prohibit trans-ideology in Grades 1-3,  Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) stated this week that he will consider prohibiting sex changes for minors in the Sunshine State.

In Canada, media have been careful not to over-expose these developments. As stimulated by their federal financiers, our “progressive” Liberal government has cast themselves in stone regarding both issues.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s attitude toward abortion has yet to verge beyond the superficial. The man has only one thing to say on the subject:

“We’ll never back down from protecting and promoting women’s rights in Canada and around the world.”



  1. Where’s the protection for the woman that didn’t want to go get the poison vaxx, but if they don’t get it they lose their job to provide for their children. So I think Justin Trudeau need to give up his bull shit because it’s not about rights for anyone, let alone women. Justin Trudeau, you are nothing more than lies and a disgrace to our country.

  2. They will likely lose their children as well, given how their household will be declared unsafe.

    They are destroying our future one child at a time with their poison and agendas:
    – Coercing them into believing they are something which they are not (and throw the parents into jail, turning into political prisoners, for disagreeing with the state about ‘what’ their child is)
    – Jab after jab after jab until they drop dead (then act like it wasn’t their fault)
    – TV which is mind control
    – Modern video games are no better; seriously, only let them play Tetris on a Game Boy or something; at least THAT game is about legitimate puzzle-solving)
    – ‘Education’ which is no better than pure propaganda (Math is RACIST, don’t forget) And to top it all off, we have CRT garbage in Ontario schools, courtesy of everyone BUT the New Blue party.

    This level of criminal-grade sickness is exactly that… Sick, sick, sick. These inepts I wouldn’t trust with a hot dog stand, let alone a government. On the plus side, they are helping to make a financial killing for the NGOs that control them.