
August 28, 297

(Natural News) We’re bringing this claim to your attention because a growing number of observers, websites and analysts are concluding that Hurricane Harvey was “engineered” and made into a “weather weapon” through a combination of ground-based temperature manipulation tools and “chemtrail” seeding.

Yes, it sounds absurd at first, until you realize that Al Gore tells us that human activity controls the climate every day. It’s called “climate change,” and in fact, Al Gore and the climate alarmists directly tell us that we created Hurricane Harvey and all the other “extreme” weather events anyone sees. Weather modification, in other words, has become the de facto belief of climate alarmists. The entire mainstream media routinely insists that hurricanes, droughts, floods, snowstorms and tornadoes are all unintentionally created by human activity.

The key difference between Al Gore and the “weather wars” theories is that those who believe in weather wars insist these hurricanes are deliberately created, selectively amplified and steered into selected targets. Al Gore believes hurricanes are created by Man, in other words, and the weather wars theorists say they are precisely controlled and deployed as weapons of terrorism to inflict economic damage and achieve psychological goals involving terror and death. This claim seems absurd to most people at first glance, but there is a growing community of weather skeptics who insist that such events are not accidents but weapons. That’s why we’re covering this story: Not as an endorsement of such conclusions but rather as a look at a curious corner of the internet where weather wars, weather modification and geoengineering have become popular, alternative explanations for significant weather events. In fact, there are at least two key patents(linked below) that describe this technology in great detail, including a “space-based power system” that can alter “weather elements” including hurricanes. (Keep reading for details…)

One of the most popular sites asserting such claims is, whose author — a former network engineer — explains:

For ten years, I have been proving the irrefutable reality of daily manufactured flash flood deluge and severe weather – every single day. Denying the reality of these daily manmade weather events is akin to denying the existence of the combustion engine, and it is just as easy to prove. If you can understand boiling water, you can understand where trillions of gallons of water vapor come from that create and fuel the daily trillion-gallon floods we see washing a different community away, somewhere in the world. This isn’t debatable, and it is as easy to observe as sunrise.

Unless I have the names mixed up, the author seems to go by the name of “Sofia Smallstorm” (to avoid being identified by name, of course) and goes to great lengths to protect his or her identity. This person also wrote the foreward to No Natural Weather: Introduction to Geoengineering 101.

The site has published a 14-minute analysis of Hurricane Harvey, asserting that the hurricane was augmented by “On-Land Water Vapor Generation from Texas, Louisiana, etc.” The video description also states, “It’s also no coincidence that Hurricane Harvey is hitting the United States, 25 years to the day after Hurricane Andrew hit Florida. Since all of these storms are very clearly and very obviously deliberated manufactured, this “Anniversary Hurricane” was clearly intentional.”


 Keep asking questions and stay curious, but also think critically

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  1. The globalists are also manufacturing the heat wave/forest fire crisis here in BC guaranteed. More of us need to expose their agenda 21 global depopulation agenda.