by Brad Salzberg


August 18, 2022

“The increase in anti-Catholic attacks was almost 10 times higher than for all hate crimes combined and was by far the single largest percentage growth recorded in any category.” 

CAP immediately cut to the chase: neither the ruling Liberal government, or mainstream media, has payed an iota of attention to a rise in hate crimes against Christians in Canada.

Why not? Could it be that Canada has been transitioned to an anti-Christian society? Is it possible that anti-Catholicism has been institutionalized by the Liberal government?

Yes it could be, and yes a piece of irony must be referenced in this regard:

The Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, claims to be a “practicing Catholic.” He doesn’t behave like one– he simply mouths the words. When looking at his  behaviour, a more hypocritical stance could not be conjured up from the depths of Hades.

Meet Justin Trudeau: pro-abortion, pro-gay marriage, LGBT and transgender supporter, assisted dying advocate. Each one a breach of Christian religious ideology.

Degree of problem for CBC, CTV, Globe & Mail and Toronto Star? Zero percent. Pourquoi? Let CAP say it like no other– Canada’s controlling institutions have converted to communism.

As such, societal malevolence today exists toward Canadian-Christians:

“Canadian and international observers are condemning media, politicians, and other opinion leaders for turning a blind eye to a startling new Statistics Canada report that shows a 260 per cent increase in anti-Catholic hate crimes in the past year.”

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