Most Canadians value freedom and democracy. Trudeau and the Liberals value authoritarianism disguised as Liberalism.

by Brad Salzberg


August 28, 2022

Has Canadian society arrived at a point where twisting truth to fit an ideological agenda is the modus operandi for media?

Politicians of various stripes are currently up-in-arms regarding an  encounter between Liberal Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland and an Alberta man who confronted her, calling her a “traitor to Canada.”

Rather than position the incident as an attack on our Liberal government, media revert to a well-worn tactic: the incident is an example of misogyny– hatred of women. There is no evidence to support this claim. The man in question said nothing about women one way or the other.

Canadians would do well to understand the way our Liberal government and those they finance in media operate. In 2022, it’s all about the “victim class.” For CBC, CTV, Globe & Mail and Toronto Star, all roads to condemnation of government by the public are corralled into compact silos:

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  1. Of course the media will be running cover as well as all the members of the uniparty. It’s one big treason club and you and I aren’t a part of it, but they’ll use that club to beat you over the head like the foreign mercenaries did back in February. His mistake/missed opportunity was not saying we have an active criminal in the room and she should be arrested and tried for her crimes.

    While it is still a tiny minority, it’s good to see that there are others who have woken up to the grim reality. Too bad most of the rest of the country will end up sleepwalking themselves into their own graves.

    For those who claim the b-word is used exclusively on women (and it’s still too nice a word for Freeland), it’s also a word used on plenty of men, usually those that are spineless and too busy being a ‘yes, ma’am’ to someone else’s agenda. While the word was used, that does not mean in the slightest that was any sort of shot towards women. So yeah, the article was correct in saying this had nothing to do with Freeland being a *cough* woman (And I use that term with extreme reservation: I have met many real, good strong women that I am proud to know and Freeland will never hold a candle to even the worst one).

    They have been using this same tactic of misinformation time and time again to cover their own butts on the egregious lies they have already been telling; sell the real reason as something completely unrelated (a lie). Another recent example of this would be how their reporters are victims of the calls to have the population killed en masse for not filling their pocketbooks (with kickbacks) fast enough. They pump out the agenda to murder us all like it’s some great thing and when blowback happens, they cry and scream for protection like babies who had their pacifiers taken away from them.

    Now the part I’m not going to like about all this… is the other side of this encounter. People have been pointing out that this whole event was staged. Whether or not they are right, who knows, but some inconvenient information has popped up as well, such as the all-too-convenient nature of this recorded incident, that someone would happen to be extremely ready for this. Granted, spyphones make this easy and quite possible. There was also the post-vid showing his over-elated reaction to this. Then again, anyone who could tell Freeland off and not end up with a 9mm between the ears is nothing short of impressive. This also points to the next question: Where was the security/ bodyguards? Someone was able to get close to Freeland, within shooting distance and no one was there to stop him? Hmm… That alone should be asking questions.