by Brad Salzberg
September 25, 2022
There are elements within Canadian society that one cannot help but find peculiar. That is, if citizens were to become aware of the circumstances in the first place.
According to our Liberal government, there are two issues which justify Canada maintaining the highest per-capita immigration quotas on the planet. The first is an aging population, resulting from the post-World War II “baby boomer” phenomenon. It co-exists with a need for people to fill employment gaps resulting from an aging “Old Stock” Canadian population.
Why did a series of federal governments permit an erosion in population to occur? Are citizens in 2022 to believe Canada’s leading institutions lacked foresight necessary to recognize a pending decline in birth-rates? This kind of thing doesn’t happen overnight. Decades existed for government to establish policies rectifying demographic decline- for example, financial incentives for parents to have additional children.
It never happened. Why not? Are we to believe both the Liberal and Conservative Party lacked the vision to establish a future-oriented policy of this nature?
How strange it is. Not that a remedy didn’t exist. Government developed their solution in the form of importing the children from 3rd World countries. Thus it is that immigration policy is used to rationalize mass immigration from India, China, Iran, Pakistan and other leading source nations.
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