by Spencer Fernando
October 8, 2017
Instead of working to bring Canadians together by supporting industries all across our country, Trudeau plays regional favourites, punishing Western Canada while bending over backwards for Bombardier.
Canada lacks a unified industrial policy. Such a policy would be based on strengthening industry across Canada, including the energy industry in the west, manufacturing in Ontario, and the aerospace industry (including Bombardier), in Quebec.
A strong industrial policy would mean eliminating regulations and taxes that hurt the energy industry, bringing in strategic tariffs to protect and grow manufacturing jobs, and yes, sometimes it would mean providing support to Bombardier to protect Canadian jobs.
This would bring Canadians together and strengthen national unity, because it would show that all parts of the country mattered equally to the government, and our government was committed to making sure that all Canadians could succeed.
Yet, Justin Trudeau is doing the exact opposite. He is imposing policies that are destructive to the Canadian energy industry, plotting a “free trade” deal with China that will devastate what’s left of the manufacturing sector, while shoveling endless amounts of taxpayer money into Bombardier and doing their bidding on the world stage.
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