Elon Musk – Getty Image
Richest man in the world doubts the official narrative, and doubts it in mind-blowing fashion; Panic in the corridors of power?
by Jon Rapppoport
November 2, 2022
(This article is Part-3 in a series. For Part-2, click here.)
If a tweet falls in the forest…
And 10 million people read it or know what it said…
And the tweet was written by the richest man in the world who is VERY famous…
And he happens to own the company-of-all-tweets, Twitter…
And he directed his tweet at one of the most well-known women in the world…
And the substance of the tweet (true or false) was highly explosive…
And related to a very hot current new story that is being used to promote more censorship and labeling of people as inciters of violence…
And this tweet directly challenged this current hot news story and cast it in a completely different light…
Do you think this tweet might have a significant effect in the culture war and the information war? Possibly, say, an anti-censorship effect and a “pressuring” effect on the scum of the earth mainstream news media?