Connecting the Dots …

by Byron Christopher
February 22, 2023

Here’s a collection of some thought-provoking memes that counter the official government and Big Pharma narrative on the experimental COVID injections, known in the mainstream media as ‘vaccinations.’

In spite of ‘rights’ guaranteed by various constitutions, billions of people around the world were coerced and forced to “take the jab” — without any say in the matter. Rarely was there informed consent.

This post is dedicated to those who received the experimental injections and to those — because they didn’t buy into the narrative — who not only lost their livelihood but lost their lives. There are millions of these victims, and the number increases daily.

Special thanks to the Easton Spectator for use of its slogan, “Connect the Dots” and to those who created the memes and those who distributed them [Doctor Mark Trozzi, Doctor Robert Malone. Steve Kirsch,The World’s Second Smartest Man, the Easton Spectator, etc, etc].



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