Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at an event for Liberal supporters in 2022. PHOTO BY JUSTIN TANG/THE CANADIAN PRESS

The RCMP have announced on their twitter account, they are NOT investigating allegations of political interference in the trial of SNC Lavalin

Nearly four years ago Trudeau broke federal ethics laws by pressuring a former justice minister to intervene in the prosecution of a Montreal-based engineering firm

Nearly four years after Canada’s prime minister broke federal ethics laws by pressuring a former justice minister to intervene in the prosecution of a Montreal-based engineering firm, the RCMP have reportedly opened an investigation into allegations of prosecutorial obstruction in connection with the SNC-Lavalin affair.
A May 25 response to an access to information request filed by Democracy Watch co-founder Duff Conacher was partially denied by the Mounties, as the requested records concerned a matter “currently under investigation,” inviting him to resubmit his request once court proceedings had concluded.
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  1. I am betting the story was true and they were handed a reminder on why they are still employed by their handlers, the Liberal insiders; to ensure they never see a minute of jail time for their neverending crimes against the country. It sure took the retard communist menial police a long time to respond to this.